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March 2017 Chapter Minutes

    Southside VA SHRM Chapter Meeting

    March 29, 2017

    Meeting Details


    Board Members


    Type of Presence

    Chris Wilson



    Ronnie Pannell

    President Elect


    Petrina Carter

    Past President


    Pam Payne

    Secretary Co-Chair


    Kristina Barkhouser

    Secretary Co-Chair


    Shirley Hodge

    Treasurer Co-Chair


    Lisa Hines

    Treasurer Co-Chair


    Linda Moore

    Membership Co-Chair


    Christine Thompson

    Membership Co-Chair


    Christy Oakes

    Programs Co-Chair


    Ashley Anthony

    Programs Co-Chair


    Connie Alderson

    Communications Co-Chair


    Susan Watkins-Dalton

    Communications Co-Chair


    Jessica Breakley

    Foundation Chair


    Ron Schmidt

    Workforce Readiness Chair


    Andrea Cook

    College Relations Chair






    __32___ attendees – __2____  guests




    BP = by phone; IP = in person


    The SSVA SHRM Chapter met on Wednesday, March 29, 2017, at 11:30 AM, at the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research (IALR).  Chris Wilson called the meeting to order.  


    Members and guests

    Chris Wilson called the meeting to order and allowed members to introduce their guests, who were welcomed by Chris.   Chris acknowledged our March birthdays and huge congratulation was extended to Ron Schmidt for obtaining his PHR.


    Board Reports




    Lisa Hines gave the Treasurer’s Report. 

    Checking Balance                                                                                             $8,096.34   (3/10/17)

     Savings FSB                                                                                                        $3,276.77

    COD                                                                                                                       $4,920.17


    Grand Total of all accounts                                                                        $16,293.28


    Linda Moore reported we have 55 paid members to date and 5 pending memberships.  33 of the 55 are National members.  We have added 7 new members to date. 





    college relations

    Chris reported in Andrea Cook’s absence.  He commented on how important it is for us to maintain a positive relationship with our local colleges.  Tapping into students with a HR interest and serving the community when there is a need.

    monthly program

    Ashley Anthony introduced our presenters W. Huntington Byrnes, Esq. & Steven Gould, Esq. with Byrnes Gould Law


    Speakers Presentation Topic:  Protecting Your Information, Clients, & People….Protecting your business.


    Steven Gould gave the introduction of the 3 specific documents they were presenting

    Byrnes discussed covenants not to compete and why to use them & the specific wording in them.  In Va they are disfavored because they constitute “restraint on trade” or public policy.  It sometimes prevents someone from working in his/her current preferred field.

    Discussed the 3 criteria that determine the validity of a non-competition agreement.

    Customize the restriction to be narrowly tailored to the job function of the EE, this is what your non-compete should be based on.

    Limit the duration of the restriction to the safe rule of 2 years or less.

    Define the geographic scope narrowly.

    If any of the parts of the non-compete is not reasonable, the courts will not fix your mistakes and say it’s unenforceable.

    Covenants not to solicit are different from covenant to non-compete.  It prevents a former EE from soliciting a company’s EE’s, vendors, specific customers.

    Non-disclosure (confidentiality) agreements involve proprietary information of your business and your clients.  It is more frequently utilized & prohibits proprietary information from being shared with another part, including competitors.  Requires information is returned or destroyed upon completion of use, including electronic information.

    One document could include all 3 of these items or they could be individual documents.  You can have different dates for each document, if you so desire.  Dates should be tied to a business decision.


    Steven wrapped up the presentation with recommendations/take aways.

    For any agreement, consider including 3 additional items:

    Attorney’s fees


    Injunctive relief, require the other party to waive any requirement that you post a bond with the court in order to stop their continued breach.


    Recommended if your company chooses to use one of these, please consult with legal counsel.  Wording is very important, don’t be greedy….do what you need only.


    President Chris asked what is required if the organization develops a new non-compete from an EE that has signed a previous non-compete and they will not sign the new agreement. 


    It is recommended to review your agreements annually to determine if you still need that agreement and if you are doing what you say you are.  Are they still enforceable?  These agreements can be included in our handbooks and an acknowledgement signed that they received it.


    Speakers concluded @ 12:40p with questions taken.




    other items

    •  50/50 drawing:  Winner:  Jessica Breakley donated $10 to the foundation; Amount won:  $8.50
    • Door prize winner of a timer, Kim Wiles
    • Christy & Ashley requested door prizes for Admin Day, $20 value.  Chris volunteered to pick them up from members if this helps them.
    • One form is for vendors, $25 includes lunch and vendor table
    • Registration form will be going out soon also, probably Monday.
    • Admin Professionals Speaker:  Petrina Carter    

    Topic:  Is your dread of Monday coming on Tuesday.  Re-energize

    $25 a person, includes lunch and gifts


    Administrative Professionals Day Vendors will also be bringing gifts.  A few of the vendors are:

    Mary Kay

    Premiere Jewelry – new person

    Liberty University Online

    Avon possibly

    Essential Oils possibly

    Ashley, LuLaRue Leggings

    Magnolia Vines Jewelry possible



    Allison Moore

    Chamber announced the community wide job fair on 4/12/17 at Institute for Advanced Learning & Research,

  volunteer opportunities at Averett



    Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:52pm.