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    May Southside VA SHRM Meeting

    Date: May 30, 2018, 11:30am
    Southside Virginia SHRM Board
    Institute for Advanced Learning and Research
    Visitor $25.00
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    Yvonne V. Thayer, EdD

    This interactive presentation will include discussion of the following topics over 60 minutes:

    The fourth industrial revolution driven by digitization – called Industry 4.0

    1. Historical perspective to the way we work and where we work

    2. Why the change we are experiencing is different: velocity, scope and systems    impact

    What is digitization? What is automation?

    1. Jobs that will be impacted

    2. Jobs that are likely to remain as is (Bureau of Labor Statistics)

    The effect of digitization and automation (and big data) on work

    1. Four possible futures

    2. Work structure

        Larger pool talent

        Shorter tenure


    3. Technology

        Application tracking system

        Assessments from testing to gaming

        Video interview: live and on-demand

        Resume is dead


        AI in job matching

    4. Using platforms for transparency

        Back door references

        Twitter, Slideshare, Google+, You Tube, GitHug

        Indeed, Glassdoor, LinkedIn

    5. Challenges

        Skills obsolescence




       Bifurcation of workforce

    6. What does this mean for your job as a HR professional?

       How will HR jobs change?

       What jobs can be automated?

       What roles in HR could become more valued?

    BIO – Yvonne V. Thayer, EdD

    Yvonne Thayer is a career educator, having worked in leadership roles in Virginia school divisions, led a

    regional teacher center, worked at the Virginia Department of Education in leadership development and

    policy, and led adult education services in the Commonwealth under Governor (now Senator) Mark

    Warner. She worked with schools across the nation in middle and high school improvement at the

    Southern Regional Education Board in Atlanta, and coached state departments of education during

    President Obama’s education reforms. Currently she works part-time on workforce development

    programs for the Virginia Community College System and has a consulting company that promotes

    career education and workforce development for Virginians. Her recent work includes promoting

    cybersecurity education in schools, evaluating cyber education programs for the Department of

    Education, developing cybercamps for Radford University, and serving as evaluator of a National Science

    Foundation engineering grant at Virginia Tech.

    Yvonne received a BA and MA from Virginia Tech and her doctorate from Columbia University. She is a

    certified professional coach from the International Coach Academy in Melbourne, Australia.

    With two professional colleagues, Yvonne is writing a book on what work environments will look like in

    2030 and what we will need to do to be employed. She says looking into the future in a high velocity

    period of change is exciting but also unsettling. “Every person who will be working in the next decade

    must prepare for constant change, automation of many job functions, and the predominance of

    contingent workers. Everyone must be career fit.” Today she will lead us in a discussion of how these

    changes will impact how we select employees, who these employees will be, and how HR functions will
