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Event Details

    July meeting/"How to help your supervisors"

    Date: July 26, 2023, 11:30am – 1:00pm
    Danville Community College
    Foundation Hall building, Room 109-Silverman Auditorium
    (this is the first building on your left when pulling into DCC right beside the childcare center)
    Please park in the Wyatt building parking lot and walk over to the Foundation Hall Building. Handicap parking can be found directly in front of the Foundation Hall Building.
    Free to members and $25.00 per guest, $15.00 for Retirees and Non-profit members. Please make checks to SSVA SHRM or bring correct change. Receipts will be emailed~
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    Alonda Fuller will present "How to help your supervisors".

    * What do supervisors need to be successful?

    * What types of training are supervisors looking for?

    * How do you take a great worker/employee and train them to be a supervisor?

    * How do you "teach" your supervisors to be strong and effective communicators?