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    April Southside VA SHRM Administrative Professional's Day

    Date: April 26, 2017, 11:30am
    Southside Virginia SHRM Board
    Institute for Advanced Learning and Research
    Visitor $25.00
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    Professionals Luncheon


    April 26, 2017

    Our speaker this year Petrina Carter, is a state-certified trainer and the Senior Manager of the Virginia Employment Commission’s Danville office. She also serves on several local boards and is a former chapter president for the Southside Virginia SHRM.

    Has dreading Monday started happening on Tuesday?  Have you lost the pep in your step?  Does everything at “work” seem redundant, dreary and boring?  I am going to bet it has been a while since you thought about “why” you do what you do.  Join us for a fun, yet impactful session on Knowing Your Why:  Aligning Purpose and Passion


    This will be a wonderful way to celebrate Administrative Professional's Day

    Please bring a guest--$25 per non-SHRM member

    A fantastic buffet lunch planned and each Administrative Professional/Support Staff member will receive a gift. Vendor tables will also be present for a relaxing and well-rounded event! 


    Please email Christine Thompson by Friday, April 21 at 5:00 p.m. to RSVP. (you do not need to complete the registration form)  Christine’s email address is